Illuminate Transformation
Geek Friendly Mental Health Therapy for Adults
My Approach
In meeting with you where you are in your journey, I will help you develop your own set of skills to help you through your daily experiences. I also encourage approaching challenges with vulnerability and self-compassion and will assist in practicing these areas in our sessions. Since our past experiences impact our current story and how we engage with our world, part of our work involves making these connections with a whole-person approach, identifying the impact of relationships with others, systemic oppression, harmful messaging, and other barriers that promote the shame and guilt that can paralyze us in our growth. I have a certificate in complex trauma and dissociation from the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation and am a certified geek therapist through Geek Therapeutics. My approach is eclectic and trauma-informed, including but not limited to the use of EMDR, Mindfulness, DBT-Based skills, and solution-focused interventions.

Meet Alisa
I graduated from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas with my MSW in 2010. Since then, I worked in case management, crisis services, community mental health, and ultimately opened my therapy practice in 2016.
I love living in Seattle and am proud to call it my home. I love visiting various places in the city as well as playing video games and board games with others, fiber arts, watching my favorite shows like Parks and Rec. I'm currently catching up on Doctor Who, which has been absolutely fascinating.
I have two cats who also act as my supervisors during sessions.
In-Person and Online Counseling
Anxiety and Mood Disorders
Trauma and Dissociation
Life Transitions
Relationship Stressors
Self-Esteem and Identity Development
Gender Identity
I am a huge fan of treating clients with trauma using this method, as it allows for processing efficiently using the mind's natural thought process.
Imagine the mind like it is using a filing cabinet. When we get REM sleep, our mind is filing the information we get throughout the day into that cabinet. Trauma memories, however do not get filed in the same way. They get put up on a bulletin board for us to remember, even if the information is outdated. So with EMDR, we are manually filing that information from the bulletin board into the cabinet by building the neural pathways needed for processing this information.
I completed my EMDR training in 2019, which allows me to use this method, and am working toward certification through EMDRIA (EMDR International Association). I am also an EMDRIA member.
Geek Therapy
Geek therapy is incorporating geek culture into traditional therapeutic techniques. I believe it is important to bring our passions to therapy which help us process and remain engaged. One of the greatest elements of geek culture is storytelling, and often us geeks see ourselves in characters and storylines. It is another language for helping you on your journey.
I am a Certified Geek Therapist with Geek Therapeutics and have provided trainings for providers through their platform.
Trauma and Dissociation
I believe it is important to tailor treatment to the needs of the individual person. My approach to trauma therapy is the use of Dr. Judith Herman's Three Phase Model (Stabilization, Trauma Memory Processing, and Reconnection). This method incorporates multiple therapy techniques in an eclectic manner, such as narrative work, DBT-based interventions for stabilization, and relational approaches, which allows the trauma work to happen where the person is, as well as movement between the phases based on the person's current situation.
I have completed certification with the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissocation.